Troyes Declaration (Timisoara 2.0)

Better Learning for a Better World 2.0 

People Centred Smart Learning Ecosystems beyond 2030

Executive Summary 

This declaration should be considered as an update and complement to the Timisoara  Declaration (2016). It accepts all the key statements in that document, and recognises its  importance for the development from 2030 onwards of technologically augmented learning  ecosystems centred on individuals who are expecting to become active and aware members  of the social groupings to which they belong (1). The hypothetical time horizon identified is 2040. 

This new Troyes Declaration takes into consideration changes that have occurred during the  last eight years: the role of learning ecosystems as an essential pillar of our societies,  demonstrated to us very clearly by the COVID pandemic, and which requires constant  attention from politicians and society as a whole, well beyond emergency situations; the  burgeoning expansion of generative Artificial Intelligences; a growing awareness of the  importance of skills based learning as a beacon for educational progress, capable of  supporting students towards the achievement of their self-realisation, self-awareness and  awareness of the finite resource of the world they inhabit; and finally, the emergence of the  concept of ‘wellbeing’ as a reference point and a goal for the design and development of  processes, dedicated to supporting individual and collective learning experiences, from which  the whole of society will benefit. 

The following are the themes included in this updated declaration: 

I) the integration of the ‘digital’ into educational processes in order to exploit the full potential  offered by technologies and the political responsibility for achieving such goals; the inalienable  right of the individual to have access to technologies to avoid the establishment of new and  additional inequalities between human beings; 

II) the inevitability of competence based learning and of ‘learning by being’ to guarantee  students’ harmonious development and enable them to consciously and responsibly inhabit  the world and their own future; 

III) the responsible use of technological and natural resources that must be the outcomes of  appropriate educational paths and curricula; 

IV) continual awareness of, interaction with, and cooperation with artificial intelligences;

V) ‘wellbeing’ as an aspiration for students, teachers, and all stakeholders actively involved in  educational processes; 

VI) social responsibility for the education of new generations and intergenerational integration  which is essential to foster the transmission of knowledge, skills, and competences;

VII) the rethinking of physical spaces to adapt them for technologically augmented educational  processes aimed at ‘learning by being’ and the development of appropriate competencies. The declaration concludes with a series of recommendations addressed to practitioners, policy  makers and – ultimately – society as a whole, with the aim of inspiring actions and decisions  for the years to come.

(1) It also makes explicit our support for ensuring ‘inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’, as articulated by UNESCO in Sustainable Development Goal 4.


The declaration has been undersigned by the international Associations/Societies :


and by the national Associations



download the full text of the declaration in:

